We enroll each kiddo into their classroom based on their age as of Sept 1 of the school year.

The Littles room includes eight children from 6 months to 11 months, two full-time teachers, and a part-time closing teacher. The space is designed for our littlest Kiddos to move, explore, and discover. Our play area for the Littles is complete with turf and sensory exploration stations inspires children to safely move and explore in new ways. We also spend plenty of time outdoors using our strollers to take walks around campus.
The Littles day is organized to respond to needs of our smallest kiddos to ensure that they feel secure, safe, and loved. Each child will begin the program year with their own unique “organizations of the day.” As the children develop and our time together progresses, their routines will become more aligned and the room will take on a more uniform organization. This is a natural flow and children constantly invite us to re-evaluate our routines through their experimentation with the environment and its materials, as well as their ever-changing interests and development.

The Toddler room includes ten children from 12 months to 23 months, two full-time teachers, and a part-time closing teacher. The space is designed for toddlers to begin interacting with their peers and their environment in a curious way. The materials are set up to encourage children to make their own choices and help themselves. Our playground allow students to safely develop crucial physical, social, emotional, and imaginative skills.
The Toddler day begins to be more structured in order to meet the needs of toddlers who are developing independence and emotional security through routine. While we offer intentional, structured learning blocks like Core Learning, Group Learning, and STEAM Centers, we also give children the opportunity to learn and play in less-structured ways like outdoor play time and indoor centers. The toddler day is tailored to meet the changing needs of toddlers as they meet milestones and develop their own unique interests.

The Tot room includes fourteen children from 2 years to 2 years and 11 months, two full-time teachers, and a part-time closing teacher. The space is designed for students to interact with their peers and their environment in meaningful ways, while also encouraging independence. Our playground allows students to safely develop crucial physical, social, emotional, and imaginative skills.
The Tot day mixes intentional, structured learning blocks like Core Learning, Group Learning, and STEAM Centers with less-structured learning including sensory exploration and hands-on experiences. Our tots will have plenty of opportunities to develop social emotional skills, have joyful social interactions, develop a stronger sense of self, and explore their interests.

The Preschool Rooms includes two classrooms with ten children from 3 years to 3 years 11 months, one full-time teacher, and a part-time closing teacher in each The space is designed to promote a safe and happy learning environment where students learn about themselves and the world around them. Our playground allows students to safely develop crucial physical, social, emotional, and imaginative skills.
The Preschool day mixes intentional, structured learning blocks like Core Learning, Group Learning, and STEAM Centers with less-structured learning opportunities that foster individual expression, decision making, positive social emotional skills, and problem solving. As our preschoolers develop a stronger self of self and connection to the world around them, we offer Group Learning Projects that are student interest driven and brought to life by our amazing teachers. Our preschoolers are not only given opportunities to grow academically each day, but are also given the opportunity to grow into amazing little humans through our SEL lessons woven throughout the day and our culture of kindness and community.
The PreK room includes twelve children from 4 years to 4 years and 11 months, one full-time teacher, and a part-time closing teacher. The space is designed to promote imagination, independence, creativity, and a love of learning. Our playground allows students to safely develop crucial physical, social, emotional, and imaginative skills.
The PreK day has a mixture of structured learning blocks like Core Learning, Group Learning, and STEAM Centers and less-structured learning opportunities that develop critical thinking skills, strengthen literacy skills, and prepare students for Kindergarten. Our PreK students are encourage to follow their curiosities in Group Learning Projects that are student interest driven and brought to life by our amazing teachers. PreK students are not only given opportunities to grow academically each day, but are also given the opportunity to grow into amazing little humans by developing crucial interpersonal skills, being given the freedom to express themselves, and by inspiring kindness, love, and a culture of community in every part of the day.